Media, Democrats Blame Pro-Lifers After The Abortion Pill They Promote Killed A Woman And Her Babies

Today - Women who do not receive treatment under the exceptions built into pro-life laws are victims of Democrat and media’s abortion deceptions.......

EXCLUSIVE: Pence’s Group Denounces Media Claim That Woman Died Because Of Abortion Laws

Today - A prominent conservative organization founded by former Vice President Mike Pence has denounced recent media claims that a Georgia woman died due to her state’s abortion restrictions. Advancing American Freedom, which was founded by Pence, has released a fact sheet, provided exclusively to The Daily Wire, debunking the claim that Georgia woman Amber Thurman died ...

Media Claims A Georgia Woman Died Due To Laws Banning Abortion. Here’s The Truth.

Today - Over the past few days, media outlets, including The New York Times, Newsweek, and MSNBC, have all cited a claim that a woman died because of strict pro-life laws. Amber Thurman, as these outlets reported, citing an article from ProPublica, would have survived if not for Georgia’s laws on abortion. The truth, however, has nothing ...

What the Media Won’t Tell You About the ‘Right to IVF Act'

Today - Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats have been actively seeking to elevate abortion as a central voting issue to drive their base to the polls. One strategy has been to merge abortion with the debate over in vitro fertilization (IVF), effectively adopting it as part of their broader 2024 election strategy by pushing claims that Republicans are attempting to ban IVF.......

Democrats are the abortion radicals - but they're hiding the gruesome truth

Yesterday - Some truths are too terrible to accept. America's polarized political and media landscape allows partisans to exist in their own cloistered worlds, free from facts that might challenge their priors. But no group is as insulated from reality as pro-choicers, who are invariably sheltered from the disturbing position on late-term abortion taken by its fanatical champions in the Democratic Party. SNIP "When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician," said Northam....

Kamala Harris and the Liberal Media are Lying About Abortion

6 days ago - Predictably, the issue of abortion was one of the first to come up during Tuesday night’s presidential debate on ABC. And predictably, both the moderators and Vice President Kamala Harris wouldn’t let pesky facts get in the way of their shared agenda. Harris refused to identify a single limit on abortion that she would support.......

Late-Term Abortion: 5 Facts Harris, Liberal Media Want to Conceal

6 days ago - (Daily Signal)—Predictably, the issue of abortion was one of the first to come up during Tuesday night’s presidential debate on ABC. And predictably, both the moderators and Vice President Kamala Harris wouldn’t let pesky facts get in the way of their shared agenda. Harris refused to identify a single limit on abortion that she would support. And......

Late-Term Abortion: 5 Facts Harris, Liberal Media Want to Conceal

6 days ago - (Daily Signal)—Predictably, the issue of abortion was one of the first to come up during Tuesday night’s presidential debate on ABC. And predictably, both the moderators and Vice President Kamala Harris wouldn’t let pesky facts get in the way of their shared agenda. Harris refused to identify a single limit on abortion that she would support. And [...]

FAKE NEWS: Viral Tall Tale That Pro-Life Laws Killed a Mother DEBUNKED

Today - Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and the abortion hysterics in the mainstream media turned one mother’s tragic death into a PR field day.The activist “news” site ProPublica marked the passing of 28-year-old Amber Nicole Thurman as the first abortion-related death, ruled “preventable,” by a state committee’s ruling Monday.Thurman, a 28-year-old mother from Georgia, attempted to kill her unborn twins by swallowing abortion pills she legally obtained in North Carolina. Five days later, ac......

Donald Trump Was Right, Democrats Support Abortions Up to Birth and Infanticide

5 days ago - On September 11, we detailed how Kamala Harris and the media were wrong, and former president Donald Trump was right, in assessing the exchange on abortion during the presidential debate. Their “fact-checking” is abysmal. The media found fault with Trump for his claim that former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, find “execution......

Florida Investigates Claims That Radical Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures On Ballot Petition

5 days ago - Floridians Protecting Freedom's paid circulators allegedly forged signatures on the abortion amendment petition in Florida. The state investigated, and left-wing media attacked.......

Harris to speak in Georgia on abortion after blaming state law for deaths of two mothers

Today - Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to speak about abortion in Atlanta on Friday following the publication of two stories of mothers in Georgia who died as a result of complications from chemical abortions following the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Harris’s speech about the deaths of Amber Thurman, 28, [...]

Pastor Says Abortion is Destroying Black America Because Abortions are Killing So Many Black Babies

Today - According to Noah Webster’s 1828 “American Dictionary of the English Language,” “irreversible” defines “that which cannot be reversed, recalled, repealed or annulled; as an irreversible decree or sentence.” In other words, “irreversibility” describes that which cannot be repaired, regained, or undone. As such, an irreversible reality cannot be changed because it is a reality that is impossible to be......

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