Watchdog Claims 300,000 Double-Registered Voters

Fight Voter fraud, a nonpartisan organization for election integrity formed in 2018 has released a new report that reveals just under 298,000 voters who were double registered across multiple states from 2016 to 2022. This includes thousands of double-voters as high as 4 times. They also included those who were registered in in four different states.

This includes crucial battleground states, whose voters determine the winner in the presidential election of Nov. 2024.

Fight Voter Fraud, for example, found in Wisconsin that 1,900 voters were registered more than twice, and 18 of them voted multiple votes. In Arizona, the group found 2,700 double-registered voters and 36 double-voters.

Michigan had the highest number of double registrations – nearly 3,000 and 23 double voters – while Georgia’s analysis showed 6,400 and 37 double voters.

The highest numbers are in blue states, where Democrats have been dominant for decades. For example, New York has 10,500 double-registrations, 222 double voters, and California with over 36, 000 double-registrations, 732 double voters, and so on.

Linda Szynkowicz, CEO of Fight Voter Fraud, told Restoration News that “all voters are disenfranchised” by those who double vote. Election officials can’t choose which state and federal election laws to follow. Public trust in elections must be restored, and those who refuse to adhere to federal and state election law should be immediately removed from their appointed/elected positions for dereliction.

Fight Voter Fraud notes that lying on a voter’s registration form or voting multiple times is a felony under both federal and state laws. This is why it is so important for public officials to remove ineligible votes from the rolls.

The group urges officials to “take immediate actions” to ensure that “one vote per legal voter” is guaranteed nationwide.

Restoration News reported in June that a prior report by Fight Voter Fraud had found 105 illegal double voters and over 5,000 double registered voters just in Connecticut. Remember that four individuals were arrested and charged in June with multiple counts for absentee ballot fraud during a Bridgeport primary election. This was the result of complaints made by Fight Voter Fraud.

According to accusations, fraudulent ballots could have altered the outcome of Bridgeport’s Democratic primary in 2023. This led one judge who threw the order to a do-over.

This is in a blue-stronghold. What can we expect of the Democrats who are in charge in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania?

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